
But the mission wasn't that complicated either, they had to go to a location and find a person. Presumably only one piece of that info would have been enough for the Clairvoyant to figure out who they were after.

I thought the I.C.E.R was like a stun gun, why did it make bullet holes in the glass?

Can someone please explain to me Skye's Double Blind plan? I actually liked most of the episode but I just can't understand how the plan was supposed to be executed?

Not a bad episode overall but what was with the complete fawning over Skye at the beginning? Haven't the writers learned that the audience hates this? Also what was the point of Garret and Coulson getting stopped in traffic , scenes like this happen far too often on this show.

AOS has only been able to do serial story telling since Episode 10 and even then not very well. The show pretty much wasted a half a season developing ideas and story lines that got thrown out. There is no slow build with this show, it's a collection of haphazard ideas thrown together to try and look coherent.

To be fair the writers haven't done anything with the likes of Ward or Skye to warrant the investment in them. It has nothing to do with reading the comics etc. It's up to the writers and actors to give us reasons to be interested. Skye comes off as too much of a writers pet, as for Ward if the writers and Brett

I wish the show was better focused on what it wants to do over the season. The showrunners have said they have 2 year plan, but over the course of 16 episodes the show's plot lines seem so unfocused, Coulson's mystery, Skye's whole mess, it never seems to be building towards anything but story threads or characters

I don't want to see Skye/Ward either unless they get married next episode go off on a honeymoon never to return. They don't have any chemistry. I can't believe the writers and producers can't see this.

There are no consequences on this show. AOS is the equivalent of Star Trek Voyager where the reset button seems to be hit each week with just a superficial mention of previous events, ie. Ward holding the beserker staff, Ward blaming someone for Skye being shot, May and Coulson knowing about Skye's parentage.

Does it bother anyone else that the show has to resort to using hashtags it's all connected to remind viewers that the episodes are connected? Wouldn't it be better to actually make the episode connect in meaningful ways? I'm pretty sure after the 1st 15 episodes that there was very little planning done on the season.

I look forward to each new episode just for the comments here lol.

That's the problem with the show there is no consistency with the characters. Ideally Coulson should have been SHOWN to have consequences from coming back with him becoming more and more suspicious. They did show him questioning things a few times but only when it was convenient to that particular subplot.

They paid a lot of money for the BUS set. There must be a directive each week to include as many scenes as possible on it. Or a Desert.

Spiderman used to be the go to guy for that, Darkhawk struggling, team up with Spidey.

They weren't murdered they "Died protecting the secret" of Coulson's resurrection. Did Coulson forget he shot them ?

Yet last week we watched a CGI pod with Skye on it get loaded on to the plane right from the Crane moving till it went in the plane.

With any luck Skye\Ward will decided to elope never to seen again

Agent pilot standin

The 1st few episodes they sort of hinted at Coulson being not quite human, remember him dodging the manhole cover? For some reason like a bunch of other stuff cough* Rising Tide, on this show it got dropped.
What I found funny is with Coulson/Skye scenes is the looked like they were acting from 2 different scripts,

I liked the episode but it also illustrates 2 issues. Ward both the character and actor are awful. Not sure how the audition went but he seems like placeholder actor that should have been recast after the pilot. 2. Skye has no bearing on this show and no one misses her when she is out of commission.