
Obviously Robertson's ability to negotiate this deal is a sign that God favors him and is on Robertson's side.

Spoilers: She was talking about her cat.

Tonight's title card joke should have read "Could there be any more Friends?" Bing it.

If Travis and Laurie get married, I wonder if the show will bring up that Laurie will have slept with her step-father-in-law. Seems like something Ellie would point out.


Oooo, can you elaborate on the "how drugs are a frequent touching point that breaches that divide and
how Hopkins isn't nearly as benevolent as it makes itself out?" I have a bitter, personal grudge against JHU for rejecting me from both their undergraduate and graduate programs.

I've been having severe anxiety attacks for the past several months every week because of my unemployment/underemployment situation. It is becoming harder and harder to be around people and try to act like a normal person when I just want to cry or be angry all the time.