Your donuts make me go nuts.
Your donuts make me go nuts.
Another stray observation. After Kris performed, Kara started to speak and Randy was gesturing wildly to her that it was supposed to be his turn. I figured Randy was being an idiot, but gradually it became clear that they had previously decided the judging order this week would always start with Randy so that it could…
Michael's PC: ….grrrr…RAWR…arrrr…
Mm wrote: "When Locke gets off island, three years have passed and Aaron has become a toddler, Jack has started spiraling, etc., and they are about to come back, but Locke's leaving is the same moment that the I5 START experiencing their three years at Dharma."
scotteb, I was thinking Richard's people don't worry about the sonic fence because they stick their fingers in their ears and walk right through it.
It seemed odder with Sun, because it's not clear where the gap would fit in the sequence of events. If memory serves, we followed her in the previous episode from the marina (where she told Ji Yeon on the phone that she would see her soon) to the Lamppost with Jack and Ben. And picked back up at the Lamppost in this…
The best part for me was when her hat fell off and she didn't swing around to fumble for it, she never even looked (Ryan eventually picked it up for her). Nothing more foolish than chasing your hat (see Miller's Crossing), and nothing cooler than not giving a damn when it flies off.
Ji Yeon
Did I miss it, or did this episode not even address Sun willingly abandoning her daughter, possibly forever, to go back to the island?