Rowan Kaiser

If there were some way to use the Babylon 5 brand without needing to retell the same stories, I think it would be fine. Like if it were set 300 years after the events of the series. But I dunno how to work it this way without major changes. Which I suppose is plausible—look at BSG—but unlikely with JMS' attachment.

I don't like it. The things that made B5 special were its time and place and form. I don't think you can just transfer the name and some of the stories and have it be interesting.

yeah, I didn't get into the contrivances again, but the biggest one in these five episodes is Sheridan inventing a situation where Garibaldi and Garibaldi alone has to be paying maximum attention to coordinate the entire White Star fleet, 24/7.

His wacky adventures with Wilfred that he could never properly explain got Jenna fired and turned into a national laughingstock, for one thing.

Despises? I thought it was pretty clear that they had an antagonistic flirtation. A Jeff and Britta kind of thing.

Definitely to some extent, but there was more than enough room to come at it from a different angle.

This is taking what happens on the show at face value. I already described how horribly contrived I found it, and one of the ways it was contrived was that no other way of dealing with telepaths is discussed, either before or after Byron's ultimatum.

A while I back I saw a website for one of those "pay a thousand dollars, have a celebrity call you for 10 minutes" things. The number of B5 and science fiction actors on it was depressing. He was one of 'em.

You'd figure Jurasik could be great at it.

How do you think the poet feels? "THIS is where my archetype ended up? I should have tried to live a long, content life."

That they never discussed the deal the Minbari gave to the teen telepath in S1 is yet another annoying thing about this storyline.

And he's in Skyrim? I'll have to not play for a while, lest I accidentally recognize his voice and be scarred for life.


Yeah…I've never really known that archetype, especially when so separated from "jock" or "trust fund kid." Not a lot of budding cult leaders with all the girls fawning over them in my high school.

On the other hand, she probably would have been the protagonist center of the storyline in a way that Lyta—who fell into line early—didn't end up being.

Exactly! So many recent MMRPGs have been trying to run away from that that I get baffled each time. Wildstar and FFXIV get it, though.

There were massive improvements in both interface and level design for Lego Star Wars 2. Everything about it was more polished and entertaining than the first.

ME3 multiplayer was fantastic, you bastard.

Still never found my way out. Just ran around in circles. I dunno.