red rover red rover red rover

If you've got space on your hard-drive, you can find some great, albeit severely unorganized, torrents of music from the twenties through the fifties.  Drop 'em in whatever player you like, hit shuffle.

You shut your expletive mouth about Little Gary

I'm sorry. Soda dispensary?

It was Little Teasers.


From UFC night to Oscar night. I love this country and/or weekend.

Holy crap, Batman Returns is an awful movie.


A lot of One Hit Wonder songs are far from great, and a lot of One Hit Wonder bands are far from terrible.

Arthur's Theme. It's always Arthur's Theme.

I remember when Go Home Productions made a mashup using Crazy Horses, damned if I can remember whom with, and it took me a few months with that on my ipod before I realized that all that rock craziness was part of the Osmond half of the equation.

Are we distinguishing the Jackson 5 from the Jacksons? Because 'Blame it on the Boogie' would like to have a word with you.

Ha, now I wish The Rock and John Cena would promote Wrestlemania on comedy podcasts. It'd be a step up from twitter.

Liked for everything but the newcomer part. Feels like 'Through the Wire' came out forever and a half ago.

I never complain about whether a podcast makes it into 'The Best' because really now. But that review is as weird and wrong-headed as I've encountered. I'm sure PFT's wikipedia entry is well-stocked with biographical data if that's a concern for the reviewer.

See, I'd go for Cradle of Love for Billy Idol. Probably the influence of the video, but that song just works for me.

Seriously. You don't see many sentiments that crazy presented that matter-of-factly outside of religious texts and political flame wars. I almost admire it.


Oh, that's gonna be a .gif