Hip Hopster

I thought he crossed the line when he sang, "Do it like they do on the Discovery Channel".

Thanks Independent Linguist. I was about to make the same comment.

Fuck Kupono
Seriously. He really sucks and the russian guy totally deserved to stay tonight. He rocked the solo and Kupono danced like a woman. Fuck that.

Time to get a new fence!

Well, pin a rose on your nose.

That's not Kosher!

Or, maybe, have it for more than 5 cities. I would prefer to ignore The Decider because I'm lazy and I don't care rather than because the material is irelevant.

Can you imagine what a pain it would be, Evel? Sure, you get your harem lined up, and get some nice food and booze, but then what? The only thing I can think of is fast tracking the next season of Breaking Bad.

"Except, the evidence of Oprah's considerable influence is all around, and totally fucking insane: An episode on a $30,000 wrinkle-removing invention called Thermage had "sales reps selling machines over the phone," according to the company's president; millions more adopted the teachings of The Secret and its

Fuckin' A, just watched the dvr recording. Way to go. I'm on vacation next week but I'll be trying my damnedest to watch. They'll at least be dvr''d.

My girlfriend and I also had a hardy laugh during your lisp sounding first category in Double. (mythtaken? mythspoken?)

Blueprint 0.5?

Did he tell you sell drugs???

2.0 had some decent tracks. Poppin' Tags was a jam and a half.

Way to go, man! I was scared there for a minute, but you rocked it!

Doin' Time
C'mon now folks, Sublime is everything that is great about summer music.

JVS, one more of those and it'll be the last before your FUNeral.

Our walls are about 4 feet tall. Just enough so you can't see each other sitting while sitting.

Maybe they stole it for some underground beta fish fighting.

I like the way you think, George.