Hip Hopster

It has already been justified by awesome.


The biggest buzzkill of this month is that there will be no buzzkills. I'm too lazy to link it but you can check out the last one he did in Feb.

So, women in pink sweatpants who drive an SUV can't be hot???

Was the rest of the interwebs broken???

Weeooo! Weeooo! Wee! I had to sit in a smelly theater. Weeoo! Weeooo! Wee!

Ok, mine isn't in the theater but I still blame the movies for this. In high school myself and all of my friends were very bored all of the time. I was lucky enough to have scored a date one Friday night and the lucky lady and I hit up the movies. When I came out we went to my car and I found a note reading, "I can't

If you watch the special features you can tell that there was quite a bit of improv in that movie. While the merits are debatable, it was definately there.

Um…go braves…ugh…ahh…damn.


Yes, thank you.

But what did you buy???


i think seagrams is the best comparison.


3 Muskateers will give you the most bang for your buck!


I rarely eat candy bars but I had one a Snickers at lunch today. By the grace of the almighty, it was new enough to be part of this ad campaign. My Snickers was "Substantialiscious". For serious, y'all.

Athletic ability!

For serious. And god bless ya for it. You know, makin' the rockin' world go 'round, and all.