
One of the things I like about "The Magnificent Ferengi" is Quark's toned-down attitude towards Rom. He doesn't really insult him that much, aside from saying that he "occasionally gets things wrong" out of earshot.

@avclub-da496e2db2e50a068b4ae5549d4ae1b0:disqus I like the Enterprise mirror universe episodes, too, but some of the acting is just dreadful. The characters are so half-formed in the regular episodes that their "dark" counterparts seem just seem like slightly agitated versions of the normal cast. I think the episodes

Great, now I'm picturing Nog "getting lucky" and it doesn't involve a dance.

Oh if Garak wanted to be there, he'd be there.

There's a wormhole, it's just largely unknown. They use it to escape in Crossover. They never explain the lack of orbs (except in the novels).

I tend to think that Alexander time traveled or fell through a wormhole or something. Either that or he took some KGH (Klingon Growth Hormone) that didn't quite do the trick.

There are a handful of vague references to dates throughout the various series that basically amount to 1 year = 1 season. As @avclub-b3fe4f5a8793b5499e143cdf1253caff:disqus mentioned, there's a reference to the year being 2364 in early TNG, plus a reference to the year being 2378 in the last season of Voyager, making

The sexism retcon seems especially hilarious given that Star Trek VI, which premiered several months AFTER that little detail was revealed in Redemption, established that a Klingon woman had no problem being a chancellor!

There's an episode of Voyager that pretty much says just that, when the Doctor publishes his holoprogram.


I never realized how much Resurrection is basically Through the Looking Glass-lite. One of our main characters runs across the MU version of an ex-lover, only they're not really the same person…except for that one, tiny part that eventually makes them come around.

All I remember about Resurrection is that, at the end of the huge arc about taking back the station from intractable enemies, in the FIRST SCENE, they let some guy they don't know beam into ops with nay a phaser or security guard present.


I love how the mirror universe shows gradually become bottle episodes. In the first one, they went to so much trouble to re-light and re-decorate the sets in a more menacing manner. By the time they get to the last one (SPOILER not this), they've basically stopped trying.

Except Samantha Carter, which is why I want some more Stargate.

I thought the pilot was just OK, haven't seen this episode yet but, the aren't the post-credit scenes in Marvel movies ALWAYS disconnected from the main action? Hell, the post credits scene in Iron Man 2 is about Thor.

The DS9 and Voyager CGI shots were probably the best of their time, for TV. I think it really boiled down to money and technology. Babylon 5 was close to finishing by this time, and its CGI improved considerably over the course of five years, but it also never had the budget that Star Trek had. I think Stargate was

One of the (few) things I like about Star Trek Nemesis is that all the ships have skintight shield bubbles, which I assume to be the case here as well. We just can't see them.

every episode…even "Profit and Lace?"

Plus it was built in a secret base by a bunch of miners! Imagine if al-Qaeda suddenly showed up on the east coast of the United States with an ultra-high tech stealth aircraft carrier, 3x the size of any other military ship.