White Power Gandalf

We can comment on Star Trek articles now? this won't go well.

I was hoping some of the questions would be more mean-spirited.

I'm White Power Gandalf and I approve this message.

I really really wanted to see the horse and the child death mural when I was there a couple months ago but I didn't want to go through security again. Fucking bummer man.

me too

My wife will divorce me if I don't get tickets.

In elementary school they showed us awesome Disney nature movies from the sixties. I loved those things. A lot of them aren't available, such as "Flash The Teenage Otter" which was a particular favorite of mine. I recently picked up copies of Yellowstone Cubs and Charlie the Lonesome Cougar.

Remember that time that dude smacked Irene? That was kind of cool I guess.

but you have to put down a hefty deposit

West Michigan. It's pretty for a couple months every year. That sort of makes up for everything else!

obviously. that puppy sells like misogynistic hotcakes around these parts!

is it possible to rent a chimp?

I have no particularly relevant advice but I'd like to chime in from deep within FOTF territory that it is fucking bullshit.

I will never forget the day I saw "Super Mario Brothers" and "Jurassic Park" in the the theater on the same day. I even paid for both of them!

douche does something douchey

PB is my initials, and also my aunt's initials and when my family went to her house she would have a box of PB Max's and only we were allowed to eat them. It drove my sister insane.

The AV Club:

They have a cool DVD of all their found concert videos and other random stuff. It isn't quite as great as seeing them in concert but it is worth picking up if you like that sort of thing.

mutations is so good!!!