
But all their happy endings were taken awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!  (That's how Henry explains it.) 

I thought that too!  Having a gold sword would be like having a butter sword.  

I'll keep watching even though it is awful just because I watch it after Homeland on Sunday nights and I need to watch something dumb after that show.  Seriously, if you haven't tried Homeland you should - it will more than tide you over till January.

2. Agreed.  What a touchy feely Mom!  I'd stay out of pawing distance too if I was him.

But that's Walker's achilles heel!

That look Saul gave the diplomat when he came out of the elevator was chilling.  It was a look of pure hate- I thought for sure Saul was going to be the bad cop to Carrie's good cop based on that.

Also, I don't think moles spread their peanut butter with dirty rulers.  Once I saw that scene I stopped worrying about Saul, stopped worrying he was going to have a heart attack and stopped worrying he was a mole.  His big secret is that he's a shlub.

"I loved both these shows, and for me, the key difference between them
came down to this: I found it a fascinating experience to watch Twin Peaks, even after it went off the rails, but I wanted to live in Northern Exposure."

What would you guys call Anna Calvi?  Because oh my god I think she rocks.

One thing I'm super tired of is the constantly cycled through "saviors of rock."  Come on now magazine editors, pick a different tagline to say you like a new artist.

Except that Miley Cyrus video she made for the Occupy movement!  Nobody's talking about that weird pop culture entry.  I want somebody to talk about it- the fact that it got made blows my mind.

Here's my weird brag- I recognize Lil Wayne's picture (I'm visually orientated?) but have no idea what any of his music sounds like or why he's famous.  But then, as far as hip-hop goes I'm still stuck in the daisy age.

Sorry I had stumbled across it but never saved it.  

There's a tumblr feed of people in cardboard goatees already up.  Even babies.  It truly is the darkest timeline.

Well, I say the headline and I had to know.  Now I know.  Ugh.  Ugh all around.

Thanks - I'm writing a letter right now using my wedding stationery.  That should do the trick.

She's really good at making me hate her.

I think Michelle got robbed by Simon on this one- I really wanted to see her finish her first piece.  I'm just in love with it - the balloon guts, the nuts and bolts for the spine, the fogged window.  The licking idea I could do with out, I like thinking of it as something more genuinely whimsical.  Magical even. 

I told my husband I wanted that dress and he seemed to think it was a good idea.  We're used to Gail bringing the cleavage but not Padma- wowzah.

I thought that too- with all the ladies having the weirdly matching plastic surgery faces.  Also, their outfits were matchy matchy- white jeans and flowy pastel tops.  It was like a stepford wives neighborhood.