
Good catch with Saul and Abu Nazir mirroring each other. But which ex CIA operator with the crazy brother?  

Too much product placement for my liking- it really took me out of the show and I'm usually really slow on the uptake with that.

When Nazir said "and they call us the terrorists" I saw Brody give him a significant glance.  Not a glance that said, "I'm with you buddy" but rather, "I can use this to my advantage."  That Brody might have agreed to/ initiated a plot with Nazir to bring about his own return to the US would be a way the show could

A muslim american woman who can see the forest for the trees I assume.  She realized her husband got himself (naively?) in a verbal trap by saying he'd only talk for an apology from the FBI and helped him save face while also averting disaster for everything they cared about. 

I read that as Saul had a heart attack (or heart scare) and decided not to tell anyone because he's so down about Mira and it's seriously not a good time at work.  Then later when Carrie said "he lived for this work" and he agreed I kinda thought he also mentally added, "and I'll die at it."

My husband is convinced he's some kind of cartoon villain.  

Even though my husband and I really, really, really disliked that lisping idiot personal chef we both still felt sucker punched when he got booted.  My veggie hubbie didn't understand what the guy had done wrong, so I had to explain… but still, we both felt kind of icky after that.  I take it we're in the minority

Re: designers of color/ designing for black women.  I don't think woman buy fashion based on race or even racism, but rather factors like attainability, aesthetics and most importantly aspirational associations.  I always cringed whenever Kimberly brought up race because it sounded like she was asking for affirmative

Sheer stuff has been all over the runway for the last 15 years (or more, since I've been paying attention at least) and, yes, it's used a lot in editorials/ worn by actresses who need publicity.  But it's seriously played out and does look trashy and doesn't sell.  So unfortch, Victor wasn't on to something hot when

I noticed that!  Not a good place to pinch pennies.

The way I interpreted that is that they were faced with 3 designers who were accomplished designers- had their own vocabulary, vision etc, and it just wasn't good enough.  I mean, Victor's best work would fit in beautifully at Ann Taylor (a store I like btw) and Kimberly's work looks like it came off the rack at

That's what made the drop-in on that couple so interesting.  She was clearly driving the terrorist agenda and the implication was that maybe he only wants to be what he seems to be- a mild mannered engineering professor.  Without her there egging him on he totally would have broken.  I imagined a back story for them

I am LOVING how cinematic tv is right now- (this, Breaking Bad, and Mad Men come to mind.)  More so than even movies (50/50, Moneyball.)   I wonder if there was some movement to avoid the "prettiness" of amazing audio and visual lining up to create something more than the sum of their parts.   If there was I'm glad

I'm not sure they were in a boss/underling relationship when they had their fling- they might have just been two grunts back then.  However, I did miss the pilot, I'm just going by their conversation in the bar.  

Suspiciously blander and a lot more down market.  I hated that thing.

Kimberly is known for her pants AND for her skirts that ride up at the hips.  

The thing for me about Josh's designs was how weirdly derivative they were.  The plastic part of the catsuit monstrosity was pure Christopher Kane, and the black dress with its body con and sporty lines evoked both Roland Mouret AND Narciso.  Do the judges ever call the contestants on copying major designers?  Cause

Seriously stop working with impoverished youth right now.  I've worked extensively with impoverished youth and they really don't need a  clueless judgmental person in their lives on top of everything else.  Also, take a second to figure out the difference between having capital and having a thing that costs money. 

Whoa there haters, Anya hasn't been pulling any fast ones, she is simply the best designer of this season BY FAR.   So she's a natural and maybe hasn't done any sleeves yet, she'll obviously pick them up by tomorrow.  She's the only designer in project runway history that I've actually wanted to wear their designs.  I