
Quick! Name all the bands you can think of with "Wolf" (or "Wolves") in the title! I'll start:

Speaking of Russian zombies, anyone remember "krokodil", that Russian drug that ate people's flesh and everyone was worried would cause the next big drug epidemic? Whatever happened to that?

I like to think of it as "even BETTER diarrhea", but hey I'm a half full kinda guy.

Sorry to butt in but what does non-binary mean? How close is it to bisexual or transvestite? Is it both male and female personalities together or a completely separate gender?

I believe the Battle of the Network Stars should be fought with guns.

Took my daughter to a one year old's birthday pool party. Not enough booze, they served ice cream cake (yuck!) and those frozen Trader Joe's mini tacos. My daughter peed in the pool while I held her, she was laughing manically the whole time.

Wait, is that a good thing or not?

Nothing about Temple of Doom sucks. It was tremendous fun when I saw it at 13 (four times!) when it was first released and it mostly still holds up today. Better than most modern thrill-ride Summer movies released today including most of the Marvel films.

It's all worth it for the inclusion of the red hat in the background. It is nothing short of glorious.

O:M as a standalone album was good for its era. But O:M II? As a multi-album narrative arc?

Operation: Mindcrime by Queensrÿche was…well that was shitty too. Nope, I got nothin'

It satisfies your "Q Zone" with pure goodness!

I'll admit to initially being bothered by the news of Patton getting married again after 15 months because it forced me think about what my own wife would do after I die (especially since I had a serious health issue not too long ago). Would I quickly be "replaced" by another man, my daughter calling him "daddy",

Did they get the rights to any Smiths music? There was a pretty bad Brian Jones biopic about 10 years ago that didn't have any Stones music in it and the whole thing just seemed…off.

Alpha Flight was extremely popular? Is Sam being facetious?

Putting any physical suffering aside, is it better to have eight months of advance notice to prepare and perhaps review that bucket list or to go quickly without ever knowing you were sick?

Dwarf? Really? I thought that word was offensive and not to be used unless in reference to Snow White or similar fantasy characters.

Never thought about that. Do zombies take a dump? Do they actually process what they eat and squeeze out a proper, recognizable turd or do human brains just tumble out of their butts after a while OR do their stomachs just swell and eventually explode tick style?

Plays great on the Vita too. The only thing worth playing on that system all year.