existential gangst

Time to start stocking up on drones and missiles then!

I saw them a couple months ago with Tame Impala. To be honest, it was a bit disappointing compared to the last time I saw them. They do this thing to change up their popular songs (Yoshimi, Do You Realize) where they slow them down and play them like a ballad. Which was kind of cool the first time I saw them. But

That was my first thought as well. If you are into collecting things like this enough to spend money on an anatomically correct white chocolate skull, wouldn't it just be impossible to keep intact for any length of time? It would melt so quickly.

I thought John Lennon was the end credits song to Children of Men?

I spent most of the morning on Saturday playing Skyrim, which I hadn't done in at least a year, and then I went to see the Hobbit in the afternoon. Dragons are cool. Escapism is also cool.

DeGrasse Tyson is a scientist first and foremost. I've always thought the way he describes belief in god to be interesting though. He frames belief in god as 'the thing you believe when you reach a dead end'. I watched a talk of his where he went through a whole bunch of historical scientists, Newton, Galileo, etc,