Nick Nonchalant

I haven't even seen it yet and I want a Randy spinoff, I'd laugh my dick off.


Beetlejuice, man I'm sleepy.

There was something genuinely badass to me about the opening credits when I was a kid. Beatljuice in a white suit tugging his cuffs to make black stripes spread all over his outfit.

A Teens was more of an ABBA/Ace of Base analog, two boys two girls, two blonds, two brunettes, starts with an A, also I think they were all Swedes.


yes it goes on and on my friends…

I'd get a teenager into comics with Runaways or Pirates of Coney Island if you could find that book anywhere. Also Blankets, chicks dig Blankets.

Sure as shit beats what's been going on in that atrocity they're for some reason still calling The Amazing Spider-Man.

Yeah, I'm 21 right now and Hate really did a number on me when I read it earlier this year. And I got into Dork in my first year, he did comics a lot like mine.

this is this is the song that doesn't end…

Yeah, when they're fresh and warm it's heaven, but get a batch that have been under the lamp for even a second too long and you'll soon learn that apathy has a taste.

Why are these dudes
so much more likable than their contemporaries? I'm not exactly in love with this song, it's really "new stuff-y", but I love these guys.

He really wouldn't have had to apologize about the tour dates even if he didn't have cancer. He's just that cool about it. The Beasties are endlessly good to their fans. Oh how I love those funky ass Jews.

Sam Keith, maybe?

What? You guys don't wear pouches all the fucking time? How do you carry things?

Do any of you guys even regularly follow what goes on in the art world? Snow's polaroids were staggering, the guy had an eye for sure, plus his life was interesting enough that he could take that many pictures to begin with. And the Irak crew set a new standard for graffiti around a time when it was getting pretty

@Nate: The Europeans that do that are not the same as the Europeans who wear ponytails well into the year of our lord 2009, always have on funny looking pants, and put guys like 50 ahead in sales over Kanye.

Murder by Death

Never got into Harry Potter.
Am I missing out on much or has the hype already killed it for me?