Robotic Richard Simmons

Prolonged exposure to the Orb of Confusion will give you…confusion!

Prolonged exposure to the Orb of Confusion will give you…confusion!

Don't forget Tulsa.

Don't forget Tulsa.

She kind of reminds me of the Eymorgs from "Spock's Brain", only not as hot.

She kind of reminds me of the Eymorgs from "Spock's Brain", only not as hot.

This just reminded me that MyNetworkTV once existed.

This just reminded me that MyNetworkTV once existed.

Well, he's better than Billy Joel.

Well, he's better than Billy Joel.

First Fred gets a show, now the fucking Annoying Orange…I'm bracing myself for the inevitable iJustine series…which will probably be on ABC Family.

First Fred gets a show, now the fucking Annoying Orange…I'm bracing myself for the inevitable iJustine series…which will probably be on ABC Family.

Cocteau Twins are the undisputed champions of bizarre song titles. I mean, you've got Carolyn's Fingers, Iceblink Luck, Pearly Dewdrops' Drops, Sugar Hiccup, The Spangle-Maker, Orange Appled, Aikea-Guinea, Serpentskirt, Peppermint Pig…. the list could go on for quite a while.       

Cocteau Twins are the undisputed champions of bizarre song titles. I mean, you've got Carolyn's Fingers, Iceblink Luck, Pearly Dewdrops' Drops, Sugar Hiccup, The Spangle-Maker, Orange Appled, Aikea-Guinea, Serpentskirt, Peppermint Pig…. the list could go on for quite a while.       

"Homerpalooza" was the first dark cloud on the horizon in my opinion. Very few good jokes and a plot designed solely as an excuse to cram in as many celebrity cameos as possible.


I always loved this show and was always proud that it was set in Philadelphia, even though it was about as close to the real thing as "Manhattan" in Friends or "Los Angeles" in The Hills.

I always loved this show and was always proud that it was set in Philadelphia, even though it was about as close to the real thing as "Manhattan" in Friends or "Los Angeles" in The Hills.

Yeah there are. Try whatever crap the mouth-breathers over at Pitchfork are trying to get you to listen to.

Yeah there are. Try whatever crap the mouth-breathers over at Pitchfork are trying to get you to listen to.