Your Loving Mother

Are you joking? It doesn't have anything to do with veterans, you only think it does because of the timing.

I swear, this has never happened to me before.

Something no one cares about
I'm pretty sure the record that Astrid put on to help Walter make sense of the cube wasn't the Art of the Fugue like the record jacket suggested.

Something no one cares about
I'm pretty sure the record that Astrid put on to help Walter make sense of the cube wasn't the Art of the Fugue like the record jacket suggested.

Rubicon is not as exciting or as easy to jump into as Boardwalk Empire, but by the end I cared about it a lot more than I care about Boardwalk Empire right now.

I'm not sure if it's a matter of reduced expectation after the break, but I was much less aggravated by this episode than the few before. There were still moments that didn't work or that I thought were kind of stupid but they just rolled by for the most part. It still has stuff to work on but I found it mostly an

movies based on toys or other inanimate objects
It seems like they announce a lot more of these things than they actual make. Or maybe their inanity wipes my memory each time I watch them?

I rarely watch his show so I could be missing the pertinent parts, but although he sort of seems like an arrogant prick, I haven't seen him swinging at windmills the way certain fox news personalites do.

I am also a CEO and my employees and I also address each other as "baby."

I'm sure you're all familiar with Mr. Ponzo. He was a key player in the Organized Clowning world of 1920s.

Ponzi! Ponzi! Ponzi!
As I big fan of Mr. Ponzo, I am delighted by this.

I'll just append my own "Hey guys, this was a great episode." comment to this one.

As someone who is very much into music it would be hard for me to answer that question. I like little islands of music of related bands from many different genres of music. If I hear something I like I tend to delve into that band and related projects. But there's no real reason to it. I don't know everything there is

"Yeah, definitely! My grandpa's a fan. That's an adult."

Van Alden
Does anyone else find the Van Alden character to be a little ridiculous? It kind of seems like the writer's decided they needed something for the audience to say "that's fucked up" about.

If it isn't picked up for a second season I'm going to view the previous episode as the finale. I actually liked this episode a lot but it lacked finality.

Agreed, Spangler is a very cool customer. I interpreted his shaky hands upon seeing the photo of Kale with Katherine Rhumor as an emotional response. I actually take him at his word when he says how much he misses David and thanks Will for his good work and tells Kale how much he depends on him. I think he likes these

canceraids is too good for these bastards

Too be honest I take the world of Mad Men a little too seriously, so it was a bit disconcerting to see Leeland Palmer barge into it, as much as I love Ray Wise.

Maybe Amelie's resume has more on it than just the Hater.