
One problem I had with "The Die Is Cast" is that, after this episode, it seems like everyone forgets that there's a technobabble field that can force changelings to hold their solid forms. Seeing that it's iffy whether the blood tests actually worked or not, a field that locks a changeling into its shape, & would kill

Why does everyone throw around "24" like it was a crap series?

Why does everyone throw around "24" like it was a crap series?

Are all of the different Bonds supposed to be the same person in the same continuity?

Are all of the different Bonds supposed to be the same person in the same continuity?

The other thing about his fall is that it was so unnecessary.

The other thing about his fall is that it was so unnecessary.

I'm not that familiar with the UK's criminal justice system, but wouldn't Peter and the others from DOSAC in the Tory government have a better chance of hearing about Malcolm's impending arrest from their fellow party members working in the UK equivalent of the Department of Justice than second hand from Terry through

I'm not that familiar with the UK's criminal justice system, but wouldn't Peter and the others from DOSAC in the Tory government have a better chance of hearing about Malcolm's impending arrest from their fellow party members working in the UK equivalent of the Department of Justice than second hand from Terry through

Plus… I would think that between the Third and Seventh Fleets there's more than enough ships in the Pacific to assist Taiwan, and blockade a small island.

Plus… I would think that between the Third and Seventh Fleets there's more than enough ships in the Pacific to assist Taiwan, and blockade a small island.

I thinks its consistent if you view Sisko's contact with them, and learning about linear time, as being the impetus for them becoming more "God-like" in their actions towards things outside the wormhole.

I thinks its consistent if you view Sisko's contact with them, and learning about linear time, as being the impetus for them becoming more "God-like" in their actions towards things outside the wormhole.

The Prophets morality (or lack thereof) becomes even more muddled the more that's revealed about them. The only thing you can say is that they're better than the Pah-Wraiths.

The Prophets morality (or lack thereof) becomes even more muddled the more that's revealed about them. The only thing you can say is that they're better than the Pah-Wraiths.

My biggest problem with "Sacrifice of the Angels" is….

My biggest problem with "Sacrifice of the Angels" is….

I didn't see it that way at all. I thought Malcolm's speech to the inquiry at the end was the rant of a drowning man.

I didn't see it that way at all. I thought Malcolm's speech to the inquiry at the end was the rant of a drowning man.

A question for any of her Queen's "subjects"… but would lying to an inquiry of this kind have the equivalent kind of legal jeopardy as a witness lying to the United States Congress in a hearing (i.e. charges of perjury and obstruction of justice)?