Replicant Betty

Loved the episode, the time lapse without having it repeated over and over. Yes, to that phone call at the end. Elena knows Stefan is still there, murky or not. Please, give me some Delena action, while Stefan is out rippin!

First time with new comment format,forgive me.

Lot's of rips abound, the craft, and the waking grave residents to help * spoiler* has been done in TVD books.

Lot's of rips abound, the craft, and the waking grave residents to help * spoiler* has been done in TVD books.

Best episode of the season. I thought I got a David Lynch by way of Twin Peaks vibe. Anyone?

Don ripping Peggy up completely eviscerated me. I died.

Don ripping Peggy up completely eviscerated me. I died.

I was so completely eviscerated when Don tore into Peggy. I fucking died.

Thank my lucky strikes… I shudder to think of who might do a guest spot next season after all the Emmy praise..

Nice to see someone else commenting on that lazy ass Tyrell. Still waiting for my incep date to be changed.

The sun always shines on ol' Kenny C. He was so fucking not even fazed when called in for his meeting, totally casual. I love the shot of him smiling while his accounts were read. He was beaming while Pete was sweating and about to faint. Still my favorite of the "S-C boys"
Head of Accounts.