dualidean of man

Aye, that was a thing that happened. He didn't even swear properly - he used "effing". In GLASGOW - a city that uses the word "cunt" as a full stop.

I'm not personally - a lot of the work done is on weekdays (when I'm working) or involves having a car/being able to drive (neither of which I can do). My politicking is on a more personal level - it revolves around hectoring people on Facebook.

Aye, and that wasn't patronising at all - he didn't even swear properly! I mean, what is "effing", really? Especially in Glasgow, the only place where the word "cunt" is used as a full stop in everyday sentences.

"In an independent Scotland, all our pigeons will be seductive." - Alex Salmond, SNP

I hear there are also nightingales and doves. I could swing for them too I suppose. Bit weird though.

I'm voting yes. Economically, independence could go either way, but I think there's problems with the Westminster system of governance on a fundamental level that won't be fixed (unelected second house, lack of a written constitution, unrepresentative, etc). The British Parliamentary system is so reliant on tradition

Yeah, it's coming up on Thursday (six days away - and two of those days I'll be trying to seduce fucking pigeons!), hence why I've crowbarred a question into this innocent game-chat. It became the biggest topic of discussion in the UK a couple of weeks ago when the polls narrowed and the English papers suddenly

Is that Klonoa: Door To Phantomile? When I was nine I used to spend HOURS on that game (it has the dubious honour of being one of the few games I 100%-ed). It's just a really good platformer, with some really good concepts behind it. Also, it goes waaaaay dark for what is ostensibly a family game.

Terrible Newbie Thoughts

So, I got stupidly drunk a couple of weeks ago (in Scotland we call it "Wednesday") and woke up to discover that I'd preordered Hatoful Boyfriend. Yesterday I remembered this, so I'm probably going to give it a whirl this weekend in between hassling people about the upcoming Independence Referendum (off topic question

The A.V. Club
"Slowly eating pieces of Gillian Anderson."

So, I'm still doing the newbie thing with this - I'm about half way through Season 1 right now. I do, however, want to gush buckets about how great "33" is, because it was the episode that made my mind make the (FTL - HAHAHAHAHA) jump from "well, this is really intriguing" to "OH GOD THIS IS SO GOOD NGHHHHH".

OGOD, fuck him too. I didn't bring him up because somehow, against all the odds, I managed to kill him first time round - usually that battle dissolves into a ever-increasing ashtray and trying to fit as many swear words as possible into a sentence. Also, I still don't think that he, even as shitty as he is, is as bad


Tragically enough, I've never actually played a Kirby game before. I'm vaguely aware of their concept, but beyond that it's a case of extreme ignorance. What's it like?

Zero Mission kicks ass, and if you ever get the chance I really recommend you play it. It's a great remake of the original - with some rather great extras thrown in for good measure.

I'm not bashing it, honest! I've just never really had the time to sit down and play it properly - I find that the Metroid games aren't really the sort you can play in half-hour chunks, you've got to dedicate an afternoon to it so you can explore everything. I've got a bit more free time coming up though so I'm going

Uhhhh, really not far at all - I can't exactly remember, but it really isn't a great amount I've done. I do remember fighting some plant/oyster hybrid that swung around the place, but that's pretty much right near the start. Beyond that, it's hazy nearly-twenty-year-old memories alas. However, considering the

So, I've been replaying Link To The Past over the last week and I'm hoping to finish it up this weekend, having just finished the Ice Palace. I'm not 100%-ing it or anything, I'm just wandering and enjoying the hell out of it - also, laziness. A couple of things have sprung up about it:

I've only just started watching Battlestar Galactica - so far I've only seen the mini-series and "33". However, if the show keeps that level of quality up, then DAH-YUM. "33" in particular is pretty much perfect - both as sci-fi and as an examination of just how fucked the human race is in the face of this relentless