Wile E. Quixote

Um, well, it's from a movie. Called "Scanners." Wherein one can explode another's head by concentrating. And possibly by. Writing incomplete sentences. SPOCK!

@ Staircar, that is a very conservative estimate.

What, we're speculating that Amelie is a Never-Nude now?

We're not assuming she's lying. We're assuming she's so batshit crazy/high as a fucking kite that she probably honestly doesn't remember what she signed when.

And to be fair bascule, it's quadruple posting with the word "tequila" misspelled. Or mis-spelled. Whatevs.

Huh. And here I was thinking Victorian Lady was you, Waits. Odd.

Was it an empty bottle, or were you willing to waste beer to bean Billy?

God, we're like vultures and carrion what with the always circling back to Juggalos.

But where do you fall in the get up/get down debate, Porkie?

Lillian Gish?

It has been widely rumored that Cobain wrote 90% of Live Through This.

@ Frito: So many factors to consider! stream of consciousness… digressions… 140-character limit… batshit crazy… attention span of a gnat… a perhaps slight distaste/tendency to disagree somewhat with Grohl… um, 5/23?

It was an enormous stretch for her to play an ugly-ass whore strung out on heroin.

She's like the Oprah Winfrey of custody: lose, regain, lose, regain, lose, regain, etc.

Actually, it may have been early '90s. I can't remember if Kurt had shuffled off to that Great Greenhouse in the Sky yet.

Almost Live did a great Courtney Love Anti-Drug PSA sketch in the mid-90's. By halfway through, the hand that kept reaching into the frame to feed her pills had graduated to actually working her slack jaw, puppetmasterlike, while a sound tech held her propped up on her stool. As I recall, at the end she pitched

I like the last one best. I mean, if anyone knows insane, it's Courtney Hole.

@vlad, I'll assume that by "she" and "her" you mean Smugwyth, not Amelie, and that by "her dog" you mean "chris martin still refusing to."

I've always thought Stevie looks like something found under a pile of tires behind the second-to-last trailer in a particularly trashy deep-South trailer park.

Aww, crap. Someone brought up music. Does this mean that ZMF and TomWaits are gonna pull out their dicks and wave 'em at each other again?