I always get vaguely amused when people apply the vocabulary of Roman Catholicism to, e.g., independent Baptists. Parish priest? Almost clever.
I always get vaguely amused when people apply the vocabulary of Roman Catholicism to, e.g., independent Baptists. Parish priest? Almost clever.
It's "Tykwer"…
…not "Twyker." Just so's you know.
I'm pretty sure it was implied that they rehearsed with the band before going into the studio.
"Nacho" is a nickname for "Ignacio." The famous cheese-laden chips were in fact named for someone with this name.
…is the correct adjective. Not "Slovakian."
I could see OOTSP working pretty well. "Perelandra" would be tough, to my mind, more because of the way Lewis describes the "Adam and Eve" characters as stunningly majestic than simply because of the nudity. I can't help envisioning a lot of Peter-Jackson-LotR-style beams of elven light everywhere, and I think that…
Peace on Earth
Many thanks, A.V. Club. I must have seen that short in - I don't know, second grade or somewhere around there, and the image of the last two soldiers dying was pretty well burned into my unconscious.
I had heard of it.
I know one of the guys who was on the show - friend of a friend from college. He's actually a really, really good guy, and from what I hear didn't have much nice to say about the experience of filming it.
Susan's fate is left entirely unresolved. She isn't included in the ending of The Last Battle because she didn't die. That's just a poor reading.
'Pagan' sounds right.
I'm fairly mystified about all the comments indicating that people enjoyed Narnia until they started to notice the Christian content.
I very much enjoyed the books (though none quite so much as The Dark Is Rising). I would have been excited that a movie was in the works, but (un?)fortunately my first exposure to the film was through the trailer I saw in a theater. I lost roughly all of my interest at that point.
I think a pattern is being established…
Starting with last season, the first several episodes tend to be kind of rough, laying groundwork and tying up threads from the previous season. I can accept this, and as was mentioned before, the battle lines that have been drawn here really have potential to make for great…
It's an opportunity for venting.
That's all it comes down to. I'd really like to take a look at this show, and I don't doubt that there's no reason for all this frustration to come out about this show in particular, but any show that deals with these kinds of issues is going to bring a lot of the pent-up irritation…
i don't know baseball
So I'll nitpick and point out that it's pretty rare for a linebacker to be above 250 lbs.
mixed feelings
I wasn't utterly blown away by this episode (actually, I thought one of its weaknesses was the fact that it was essentially a double feature), though I found it generally hilarious.
Godwin's Law?
As an online catalog of failed cinematic efforts grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.
is profundity the point?
I have a hard time with a lot of the criticism coming largely from people who want a literal explanation ("So the tree is his wife? How's that work?") or from the sort of people who need to be more jaded than the next guy.
I don't know quite where to start…
…speaking as a huge theologically conservative Christian self-taught guitar, mandolin AND ukulele player…
Funny you should bring up McDonald's romance…
I met a guy in Romania who had proposed to his wife in a McDonald's. Anything's possible, I guess.
The Decemberists
I agree that I would have liked to see a song of theirs on there. I think the list should probably be narrower, though - "The Tain" started off as an Irish mythological epic, so it's hard to count that. Same sort of goes for "The Crane Wife" - it's derived from an existing story, which doesn't quite…