Tony Harrison

"(This is my inaugural post here at The A.V. Club after lurking for God only knows how long. Love this place and its roster of writers that remind me that not everyone on the internet has lost command of the language. In short, I came for the articles. I stayed for the comments.)"

Okay, I will!

The Germans have a word for her: Todhure, or "death-whore."

That's *John* Voigt.

Aw… I like Lenny Pierce. I'll read just about anything on here by him. He has a huge Catan table he doesn't know what to do with! How is that not endearing?

"Boy or girl?"
"Does it matter?"
"Well… I'm just trying to picture it, that's all."

I second the call for a photograph of Carla Gugino's breasts.

I prefer "Casano-wha…?"

My mother's birthday is 11/11. Also, my mother-in-law's birthday is 11/11. They are not the same person, although I've only rarely seen the two of them in the same room together.

Knock knock.

What gave you the impression the cage fights weren't sanctioned by the ICFA?

He gets a lifetime pass for his delicious Ice T Lemonade. And we have two Ice Cubes in our living room. Lifetime pass.

I'm with Flurb.

Hey! He has a name, and it's usually Starz.

There's a new Squirrel Girl story coming up in Age of Heroes #3 next month. So, y'know, the public outcry for a big-screen Squirrel Girl adaptation is already there.

"some fat fuck named Volstagg"

Damn, that sucks. I always enjoy looking through other people's home-brewed stuff. Ah well.

Never too late to get into RPGs. Go for it, brother. I'm in my 30s and have been gaming since I was 8. It's not an age thing. The stories you tell may get deeper or more complex, but the game remains the same.

LARPing isn't something you "graduate" to — it's something you're *condemned* to.

And check that sweet Star Frontiers reference….