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    Places like Daily Kos and even Hillary's own Facebook feed are becoming just about unbearable because of the BERNIE IS YOUR NEW GOD!!!! types. I'm not crazy about Bernie as a potential President (he seems to think that yelling at Congress will be enough to get stuff done), but at least he's refraining from directly…

    And now it's time for Dick Cheney's Beat of the Day!

    His monologue about war and love in the back seat of the car makes me laugh every single time. He delivers it so perfectly.

    The Rifftrax to this was pretty sublime.

    *Wilson interviewed for a new Random Roles in 2020*

    From the trailer, I'd have to guess that Thomas finally gets some.

    "The estate has been sold by Putnam, Powell, and Lowe."

    I still haven't watched the final season. Maybe someday, maybe not.

    Surrogates was a lot better than it had any right to be.

    Just like in Seeking a Friend for the End of the World. That's a hugely underrated movie that doesn't get the love it deserves.

    Too bad this didn't work out, but I hope that Bruce Willis is up for some more weirdo indie shit someday. He was surprisingly effective in Moonrise Kingdom.

    The main thing I took away from it was "Man, I wish Steve Carell and Juilette Binoche were a couple in a much better movie than this." Those scenes with his family made me want to hit something.

    Nothing about Megyn Kelly and menstrual blood? Man, Trumpbot must be mellowing…

    "Looks like those clowns on stage did it again. What a bunch of clowns."

    I like "What now, did the rubble burn down?" It's a nice go-to when things don't seem to be improving.

    She's my newest celebrity crush.

    Are they looking for the motherlode?

    Her first starring role since 1988?

    I remember The Cat's Meow being pretty solid for what it was. Surprised it's taken this long for him to make another film.

    He was pretty good in the Social Network, but yeah.