It was a space vagina, thank you very much.
It was a space vagina, thank you very much.
Get me a copy of Spaceballs, the movie!
Get me a copy of Spaceballs, the movie!
Yes, fucking finally.
Yes, fucking finally.
Don't forget about Rejoined. It may not have the first lesbian kiss in TV history, but it is has one of the hottest.
Don't forget about Rejoined. It may not have the first lesbian kiss in TV history, but it is has one of the hottest.
Yeah, next week we get to see Sisko playing Hannibal Lecter. That's something.
Yeah, next week we get to see Sisko playing Hannibal Lecter. That's something.
"Hey kid, keep your finger outta there!"
"Hey kid, keep your finger outta there!"
More like Quantum of Suckass, Amirite?
More like Quantum of Suckass, Amirite?
Admittedly, Ray's act is pretty dire. It's a single joke stretched out over three interminable minutes. But hey, the guy did get name checked in a Bob Dylan song, that's got to count for something, right?
Admittedly, Ray's act is pretty dire. It's a single joke stretched out over three interminable minutes. But hey, the guy did get name checked in a Bob Dylan song, that's got to count for something, right?
Rex loved Dark Knight (2008), so no. But his reasoning for disliking a movie is a little odd sometimes.
Rex loved Dark Knight (2008), so no. But his reasoning for disliking a movie is a little odd sometimes.
Absolutely agree, my favorite line in that whole movie is when Willard makes a proctologist joke and Piddock just dryly responds "Yes, I remember you said that last year." That reading just killed me.
Absolutely agree, my favorite line in that whole movie is when Willard makes a proctologist joke and Piddock just dryly responds "Yes, I remember you said that last year." That reading just killed me.
All good choices. But my favorite Simpson noise has to be the abrupt "Ho!" sound that the popcorn-truck driver spouts before plowing head over heels into the gigantic pothole. And then instantly fills with popcorn. Now there's an overlooked gem!