
Is it nerdy to have been to a Rockapella concert in junior high? Nope…don't care. Not only did they perform Carmen Sandiego, but it also featured their most famous ditty…a Folger's coffee commercial jingle. Oh the good ol' days.

Is it nerdy to have been to a Rockapella concert in junior high? Nope…don't care. Not only did they perform Carmen Sandiego, but it also featured their most famous ditty…a Folger's coffee commercial jingle. Oh the good ol' days.

Also, if whoever mentioned it earlier that Dan Harmon's voice was put in place of Garret was right…that is like the most ultimate meta joke and I LOVE it.

I hate science…unless it helps me build a robot. Especially the kind programmed to find me another party so I can skip chemistry! :)

I see what you did there. :)

So awesome! My favorite part is when she turns the wrong way. :)

Okay, admittedly there are too many comments and as a law student working on a current deadline I haven't read them all…still love you guys! Sorry…anyway, if someone has mentioned this already I apologize, but Gillian Jacobs dancing as drunk Britta screwing up the Linberg Lean (?) was seriously some of the best

OMG Jeff played by Dane Cook would solidify me not liking Community…and clearly that is the darkest timeline.

This is exactly the point! Look at the Casey Anthony case as well for an analogy in the other direction. Public and private opinion likely have no qualms about believing she is guilty (of something) but in that case, the justice system did not convict someone without adequate proof beyond a reasonable doubt. What

I don't know if I can adequately describe how happy I get when my cynicism is proven wrong. People should doubt things more…it makes it much more satisfying when they happen. :)

Everything about this makes me happy. I don't know if that's cruel or not. It also makes me super thankful no one has any interest in seeing my high school picture. *shudders*

Lol. This is the only one I've ever been able to find!! It keeps driving me up a wall! I can't tell if it's really the shoe or my cynicism.

Okay…this has been bugging me for a while because I knew I had seen the gif somewhere, and since I feel a need to show obligatory support for 10,000 comments I'm making it open to discussion. I am posting the link to the gif where Annie's Boobs supposedly steals the pen. As much as I would like to believe the show

This is amazing. Disappointed I didn't catch it the first go-round.

I whole heartedly support this. I don't have a lot of extra time to help out with the movement to do this, law school blows, but if there are enough people who are involved to make this happen it would make me really happy. :)

Lol. And yet I still speak with more males than females even online. While remaining single, thus terrifying all women because I'm clearly a man-thief. That's a complete tangent though. Your commentary is awesome and I always enjoy it. :)

I feel like I like every comment you make. I am not stalking you. I do, however, feel like you are inside my head when I read a lot of your comments. Lol

OMG when my friends are rambling about anything, that ALWAYS pops in my head…specifically just taco taco taco. Cuz it was so freaking hilarious the way he said it.

Agreed. Add it to his Don Draper impression in sexiness moments. Yes…I'm familiar with two sins…and yes…I'd be interested in knowing a third.

I can't decide if I want to continue smiling or start crying. Seriously though, what a way to go out, so to speak. So many things I loved about this episode…I don't really feel the need to reiterate, jeez louise there are already 1100 comments…guess that's what I get for waiting to log on til my viewing on the west