
I think they'll already have escaped before he sees her die again. I believe she, Ollie, Slade, and Shado will all be on the island to deal with the whole situation with the deformed Japanese corpses that Ivo is after.

I agree with most of what you said.  I just wish the show wasn't actually about the fact the electricity was gone.  They could make such a good show just with characters in this society.  I'm just imagining Revolution with Game of Thrones level intrigue and it would be so good.

I agree with most of what you said.  I just wish the show wasn't actually about the fact the electricity was gone.  They could make such a good show just with characters in this society.  I'm just imagining Revolution with Game of Thrones level intrigue and it would be so good.

My understanding is that they were making new muskets instead of just finding them.  It would be easier to find shotguns/hunting rifles, but much easier to make muskets and musket balls.

My understanding is that they were making new muskets instead of just finding them.  It would be easier to find shotguns/hunting rifles, but much easier to make muskets and musket balls.