
Really? I thought everyone would have still been recovering from temporary blindness for a couple hours after that at least.

I think that was the bucket he was standing on was for.

This comment deserves a 'D' at best to be quite honest.

I don't get why people keep thinking he's going to swallow the ricin himself…why choose a slow, agonizing suicide?

Compared to the previous few episodes and due to its length, this episode felt anticlimactic and slow, but that doesn't mean it didn't deserve an A. It was a setup episode, but a very well written and acted one (with a couple imperfections like the Andrea scene).

I don't get why people are so upset about the Gray Matter thing. I mean, his bitterness and jealousy over getting (in his eyes) screwed out of his life's work and massive wealth gets to the heart of how he became Heisenberg in the first place, and now this interview publicly minimizing his contributions to Gray

Jesse Pinkman grapples with his demons and his criminal past as he embarks on a cathartic nationwide tour with his now-emo band TwaüghtHammër.