
Village Voice's review also describes Dr. Manhattan as "pissy" following his breakup with Laurie. What?

Solid Review
At least compared to the newspapers who think that assigning someone who clearly hates the graphic novel to review the film is a good idea. The Washington Post review kicks into high gear with "Watchmen isn't unfilmable. It's unreadable." Way to go.

I can confirm secondhand on the enormous dong issue. My fiancee saw it during her study abroad program and I heard about it for weeks. Her verdict on Daniel Radcliffe's junk, by contrast, was nothing special.

Joss finds his voice, and it's loud
Does this mean the dialogue is going to nosedive at episode 6-7?

I'll still watch it, but my love of Hell's Kitchen and Chopping Block now surpass Top Chef.

Hosea winning is the worst travesty ever, but you have to admit Stefan's dominance seemed to fade episode by episode in the stretch run. Such a pity Carla screwed the pooch.

Tom also obviously hates dessert and Stefan.

it blew
It is just me or did Toby Young have his lone good moment on the show for throwing the cold water on Colicchio's ridiculous attempts to build Hosea up?