Gul Cim

You have an underground sub-culture of magic users and the most interesting thing you can say about them is the number of boarding schools they have to prepare them for jobs in the civil service?

You make it sound like someone figured out how to market Community, when in reality, nobody has.

I got that Dunwich was a Lovecraft joke, but it took me a few days to connect it with Arkham.

If it helps, Angela is having a short-term cash flow
problem. Her bank accounts may be frozen or inaccessible, and divorce
proceedings are probably pending. When the dust settles, oh yeah, she has the
Senator by his balls, but for now, unplanned moving, legal and childcare expenses
have drained her resources. Also, rule

I recall one of Annie’s parent’s being an Episcopalian.

So what, the entire sex in a Miniature Golf
Castle was an old Simpsons bit. You
know, where Homer took Marge’s virginity at the age of 26 after they had been
dating since high school (or something) and got her pregnant with Bart leading to a shotgun
wedding at a truck stop. Trust me; it was risqué in the 1980s.

Yeah, I already had two scopes of Vanilla with caramel sauce
and called it the Catholic Triad in honor of 30 Rock, so mine was much better. Yes, Trinity would have been a better joke, but that's an AD joke.