The Mayor of Hell

Too much Horror Bizzness
In You! I'll put a knife rite in you…I'm Warning you! I'll put a knife rite in you

Theyve had some great storylines in the comic books where Riddler is a dark sadistic mofo…Like one where he puts on an underground game show and puts people in horrible situations then asks them a riddle and if they get it wrong he tortures or kills them. Cant remember specifics but it was a great take on Riddler

Two Face
I didnt think it was ever clear whether Dent Died in Dark Knight or not…it was never stated

Brendon Smalls has programmed
The Worst 24 hours of horror…Ever! Weak.

Patsy Cline
Great article! Love the comment about her vocal stylings being more akin to jazz singers. She is more comparable to jazz vocalists or even Big Band vocalists then to other Country stars strictly because her singing is like no one else in that genre…Not even close. The way her voice shines coupled with the

Cant beat Elvis'