
I agree and yet I think this show took pains to make her look dowdy. I like that they didn't have her character overly made up or styled in a way that would be unrealistic for someone in her position, but if I were her friend I'd have helped her get a better haircut that didn't look like a helmet.

Yeah that whole bit really confused me. Portia makes him feel guilty by saying her dad died of cancer when she was a child and devastated her, but then says (maybe) she's lying and her dad is a boring ophthalmologist in the suburbs. Sure.

And why did Coleman take her back to the set? It appeared to be a simple video camera/tripod. He couldn't set that up in a hotel room, out of Quinn's way? Somewhere Rachel's mom wouldn't come running to? It's not like Rachel doesn't trust him enough to go anywhere but back to the set with him.

The cake line was actually "That cake isn't going to bake itself" which was harsher and funnier.

I really enjoyed these first episodes, even if it threw me that the opening scene had a realtor's sign with an 845 area code over a decade before that area code was created. But I do love how all the men in this look like they're stuck in the 70s, because that is exactly how I remember the mid-to-late 80s. Not

YES! This bugged me most of all. His motivation was that he had to tell the truth, but what truth did he tell? Everything up to where it might impact Olivia? So, he'll confess to lying about being at the scene of a murder, but continue to lie about his part in the cover-up? That's justice? That would make MLK Jr

Not to get all nitpicky, but Lori is not the "birth mother" as she didn't give birth to the girls. She's the egg donor, biological/genetic parent, but Elizabeth still carried them for 9 months and gave birth to them.

Well, yes, if it were a real sequence where Olivia actually had to learn how to make it and can it and store it, but… this was her dream, a page in her subconscious where she has none of that knowledge or experience yet, so it fits that she might imagine it wrong.

The fat, aging, balding loser is one of the show's writers, so I think that ship has sailed.

The way the sentence is written that could be misinterpreted as only applying to the second point about the abortion. It caught me as well. A little punctuation edit and it's clearer:

That was exactly my thought. What a brilliant little fantasy segment! I am pretty disappointed if it is, in fact, just a long trailer of clips for the rest of the season.

Just a point of clarification - it wasn't an award for "being a woman under 80 who is not Betty White" (since Betty White isn't under 80.) It was honoring 80 women in entertainment under the age of 80 (a play on the business community's "40 under 40" awards.)

Just a point of clarification - it wasn't an award for "being a woman under 80 who is not Betty White" (since Betty White isn't under 80.) It was honoring 80 women in entertainment under the age of 80 (a play on the business community's "40 under 40" awards.)

I don't understand the comparison to "Harry Met Sally." The character Susie is not faking an orgasm in the car, she's supposed to be actually having one.