
The Andy Griffith Show after it went color (and more to the point, is when Don Knotts left).

The verses work better than the chorus, imo. So, adequate job, Internet.

If Free Energy machines aren't real, then I guess Re-animators aren't either.

Mads Mikkelsen as Lobster Boy!

Also starring Ralph Macchio, Melissa Manchester, Robbie Robertson and Sting, Debbie Reynolds & God.

Oh God, that's what Space Mutiny was missing: a sass-talking robot. Let's get that remake made, people!

"Boogie in Your Butt" > "Party All the Time". By an incredible wide margin. I mean, I get that PatT was a bid for musical legitimacy, but if he had launched a Dr. Demento-style music career off BiYB instead, I wouldn't have minded. At least, for a short while. The Buckwheat song? Eh.

For me and my middle school girlfriend, "Faithfully" was "our song". Because the rock n roll lifestyle on the road is really hard for small-town 12 year olds.

Yes, I also love the Hybrid version of "Absolution".

He's playing Moogfest in two days. I'm legitimately excited. It's a shame most folks only know "Cars". "Metal", "Down in the Park", "I Die: You Die", and "Are 'Friends' Electric?" are all excellent.

I worked at a record store when this was all happening. I remember respecting SNZ because they seemed to be taking the form seriously, while CPD and BBVD seemed to be a wink-wink-ain't-we-a-hoot bro joke band. That was probably maybe an unfair assessment, but considering the band names, maybe not. It was a late 90s

I don't if it's still as beloved as it's Oscar wins would suggest, but I NEVER liked The English Patient. Horrible Fucking People Die In The Desert Because Sometimes Karma Actually Works would have been a better title.
[EDIT] Next time, read the question more carefully. But I guess I do like Ralph Fiennes in other

Sure you could drive over 3 hours to see the 2 room shack Elvis was born in (the museum is actually now larger than the house), or drive up 1 hour north to the actual Crossroads (and the MS Blues Hall of Fame is nearby as well). Just sayin'. Otherwise, yeah, not much to do.

I'll be interested to see who can top The Lemonheads' cover of "Skulls". But otherwise, decent list. Excited to see "Holy Holy" on there, since I've recently fallen in love with that song.

Maybe something got lost in translation. Granted, it's no Macho Business Donkey Wrestler, but what ever could be?

I saw him in a tiny, tiny club in NC about 2 years ago. He was certainly funny, but I could tell he was just starting to work some material that might have been for the recently cancelled TB into a stand up type environment. No flop-sweat, just a sense that "here's something new, let's see how it works". Actually got

I once did this to Rebecca Black's "Friday", and it ultimately translated "gotta make my mind up" into "I will replace your ideas". I got creeped out and stopped.

Sadly, no, it's Acting Very Strange.

"Too drunk to be in The Cure". Yeah, dude might have had a problem.