
I liked his voice well enough, but I have done my best to forget CAS. And Genesis is my all-time favorite #1 band (sue me). I can name all the pre-Phil drummers. I have all the box sets. I've seen The Musical Box twice. I finally got to see the real thing in 2007. I have a Mike Rutherford solo album on vinyl. I have

I didn't mind Ray Wilson's voice, but the music sucked (and the lyrics weren't much better, many of which can be attributed to him). Who would have thought it was Phil Collins who kept the other two from getting too cheesy?

OK, I'll admit I chuckled at "Differ to beg men meteor the but", because I'm 11. And once I stopped chuckling, I stopped the video. Get a job, internet.

"Bombers" Tubeway Army
"New Frontier" Donald Fagen
"Russians" Sting (OK, a bit over the top)
"Have You Forgotten the Bomb" Barcelona

Wow. Deep cut.

Dammit, you made me look up Jay Cutler and Krisitn Cavallari.

I actually saw this in the theater. First-run. It introduced me to "The Name Game" and the concept that violinists apparently make mad money.

Now all we need is a Run The Series on these films (yes, there are more). My wife loves them. I even took her to see the musical (yes, there was a musical). I admit the first one is very enjoyable.

Sorry, but The Dead have always sounded like this to me:

Gonna definitely check out Squirrel Girl and Ms Marvel (I've been wanting to read that one myself anyway). Also put Silk in the queue. I'm not averse to DC (I grew up almost solely on Marvel), but some of their kid-friendly titles look TOO teenybopperish, like superhero Bratz or something. I'm probably being unfair. I

What I was hoping for from this was what superhero comics are best for two upper elementary age girls. They want to read Wonder Woman and Ms. Marvel, but they don't want images of people getting flayed or crushed under bulldozers (which is where a lot of the new versions are at). Beyond just getting them classic

My girls (9 & 10) love the '66 Batman. They don't always get that it's supposed to be funny; they like the colors and costumes and sense of adventure. They do think the bomb scene is ridiculous, in the good way. I guess you have to show it to children before they become jaded little assholes. So, shortly after they're

No Jacket Required was legit the first CD I ever bought with my own money. So that Patton bit has always slayed me.

The instant that track starts, you immediately think "if that isn't Phil Collins on drums, someone's doing a mighty fine impersonation."

Without a doubt. What a way to go.

Also, "Blood on the Rooftops". A very Steve Hackett song, but it's one of the few times Phil attempted and succeeded at singing a character ala Gabriel.

I have requested that the Seconds Out version of "Los Endos" be played at my funeral. Applause and all.

But what about the gay housekeeper who only appeared in the first episode, never to be seen or heard from again (or even mentioned)? Did anyone ever check under the boards of the lanai?

I'm sure this is copied directly from the band's post, but Motorco is in Durham. Chapel Hill can't have everything.

Even in my crappy minivan's sound system, I can tell the difference between 128 and 320. Once you hear that weird "swish" in the higher frequencies, you can never unhear it. Besides, I'm not even halfway to filling up a 4T drive, and I have a metric shitton of songs. Could probably have gone flac from the start, if I