Some Random Guy

Well then,
I demand a LEGO Bing Crosby. Ba-rumppa-pa-bum.

With an A- Grade, can't we summarize the review with
"Afterschool Special"

Varsity Hot Dogs > Cheesesteak

All the self-professed "white boys" and no mention of Eminem, Everlast, or whatever the guys name from 3rd Bass?

His song "Isadora Duncan" is one of the finest songs ever written. Charlotte-area band Jolene did an amazing cover years ago that is one of my favorite songs of all-time.

Norman Lear?

Med Student Zhivago
War and Peace Talks
The Middle-Aged Man and the Lake
Taxi Learner's Permit
A Few Good Boy Scouts
Boogie Midafternoons…

"Bootleg Orcs"
Is the name of my new ska-thrash band. We're playing that bar on 4th street Saturday night.

Saturday Afternoon Fever
First of the Mohicans,
Immigrant Kane
12 Slightly Miffed Men

Most weed backstage-
October 10 or November 14th.
(Although I hear TBD a some smokin' muthas)

This might not be the right time for this…
But this is a lesson on why liability coverage only car insurance is not the best deal, especially if you're transporting expensive equipment.

Or Anakin Skywalker before Darth Vader…

I only skimmed this
Someone's remaking "Porky's"? A new take on the shower scene is exactly what this country needs.

I think Rainn could pull off the Mad Dog Murdoch role.

I wanted Chris Rock.

I am waiting for the Manic-Pixie-Dream-Cougar phenomenon to begin, otherwise known as the Ashton Kucher bio-pic.

Will Penn's character be named…
Moxie Crimefighter?

Mr. T is in this?!!!
Why has this not been prominently featured? Now I must go.

SNL has had some quality comedy moments with athletes

What? So Sarah Silverman is Michael Douglas' pianist?