
I call Thirty Three by Smashing Pumpkins. Perfect funeral song.

Fucking love this movie! Hot chicks, decent fighting, and multiple levels of things… and the best part is how it gets all the hipster's panties in a bunch. What's not to love?

Lies, all lies.

He ain't nowhere, little man.

@reality check, that's just the paranoia from all the marijuana that's speaking, not you. I know you're really in there, don't give up… man!

I like South Park because it is funny. Also, Aristotle just stole his ideas from the Ancient and Wise philosophy of the Madagascarians. I believe it was Hojo the Madagascar Man that said "It is better to be in ye jest; nay, I think I pooped a little."

DTH, I find what you say interesting. You can hardly blame people for not wanting to confront their own mortality. You will be forced to do so tomorrow. Have a pleasant sleep.

Yes, being an adult involves making a contribution to society. It involves more than the empty philosophy of "let's just not hurt each other." It is better to connect with each other and fight than to ignore each other and let the world burn.

Kids are superficial
As a young one I just skimmed the surface of bands, wandering from band to band like a sonic pleasure nomad. Now I listen only to music of the classical period. There is so much depth within that small period that it would take many, many lifetimes to understand or appreciate. All things in my

I believe Chloe Sevigny was attracted to Sean, which disabled her intellect and resulted in a far more honest interview than usual.

Necrobutcher sucks a fat dick.

Necrobutcher says, "Tupac Shakur sounds like a Protoss name and should be pronounced as such."

That was a fucking great interview, AVclub. I felt RZAs heart, and it's in the right place, regardless of the scenery. Nice choice, and good questions. Kudos.

Golden Brown
In Snatch. Shit is cash.

Knights of the Magical Light

No glove… no love.

Stop poking me!

Hey! I resemble that comment!

Thom fucking Yorke. He has a gift for soundscapes with twenty-eight sonic layers of whiny.

It is an exceptionally phallic photo.