
@avclub-114c7b793d3e612078339cce82dd13a9:disqus [deluge of criticism] I would argue that Prometheus has grander ideas it want to incorporate, not that it's more intelligent. If Scott and Lindelof could've gotten away with it, I might agree with you that Prometheus is more intelligent than Alien, but it comes off as

@avclub-114c7b793d3e612078339cce82dd13a9:disqus [deluge of criticism] I would argue that Prometheus has grander ideas it want to incorporate, not that it's more intelligent. If Scott and Lindelof could've gotten away with it, I might agree with you that Prometheus is more intelligent than Alien, but it comes off as

Margaery's dress looked like it was squishing her boobs into oblivion, cutting of all circulation. Normally I'd agree with you on Margaery, but that did not look comfortable.

Margaery's dress looked like it was squishing her boobs into oblivion, cutting of all circulation. Normally I'd agree with you on Margaery, but that did not look comfortable.

arrrrrrgh I saw that too. I didn't say anything lest the Disqus gods strike me down, goddammit.

No. A-113.

This is fucking phenomenal WHY DON'T MORE PEOPLE LIKE THIS.

She's alright. Kind of a Becky-ish appearance.

The header picture is us. THE HEADER PICTURE IS US.

Cindy Sherman does not have an "extremely scattered" concept towards her work. I don't think the reviewer is trying to "pigeonhole" Minaj so much as trying to understand what the fuck Minaj is trying to say. Instead of "chameleon" try "incoherent".

Look, I get that y'all love Community, and bully for you. But please, let me have my little corner of the AVClub universe where we talk about 30 Rock and 30 Rock alone, because I DO NOT CARE about Community.

Might I entice you to enter . . . the No-Cal-Calzone-Zone?

Pretty sure John Lasseter (?) of Pixar was responsible for the better dubs - Howl's Moving Castle, Ponyo, and a few others. So. Trivia.

Honestly, the opening credits were the best part. Still, the movie was pretty good - Rooney Mara kicks ass in a dead-eyed sort of way.