
I reckon that's been foreshadowed, considering the conversation between Archer and Mother in the first episode. It ended something along the lines of Mother suggesting she knows that Archer, who said he'd only work for her to get closer to Lana and to find Woodhouse's killer, would be hunting for both things in the

Looks like they were reaching for 'cartoonish' and forgot the art.

The V runner-up entry is the most Ignatiy Vishnevetsky thing on the whole site.

The sniper rifle was pretty much for misdirection. But if you want to massage it into plausibility, it could also have been a reminder to the Doctor that if he were to actually be thinking of defecting, he would not last long because Leviathan *would* find and kill him.

I'm thinking if the main way you engage with the show is purely the optics rather than the characters, you might not be watching the right things. That being said, if Shonda Rhimes wants to write her lead (female, black) character as being the most powerful woman in the world, even if it's only because of her value to

I'm so tired of Huck's Big 'Scary' Eyes routine.
Cyrus whining about a situation he completely got himself into was particularly irritating. Though Cyrus throwing a tantrum about being left out of the loop was also irritating. I think Cyrus is just plain irritating now. I seriously hope they don't go down the 'Michael

I'm thinking Prady might be what they tried (and didn't really get to show) with the Maura Tierney plot - someone in politics that reflects an aspect of Alicia while emphasising the realities of all the new political stuff she has to do.
I expect to see a contrast between Prady as doing the things St. Alicia should

Cyrus is the absolute last person who should be able to appeal to the power of friendship and integrity and have it stick, just like I'm annoyed they cliched it up and had Michael develop feelings for him. I was so hoping to watch all his chickens come home to roost, but looks like he's not going to suffer for his

Glee is the show I immediately think of when thinking of shows that should have been beloved failures rather than actual successes. Heroes fits the bill very nicely as well. Both would be missed much more if they'd only lasted a year, or even 13 episodes.
But I think this list goes wrong in including several shows

I was always weirded out by this episode, because Lisa is meant to be only 8 years old. Even though she'd been around by 8 years by this point… but still, it seemed a bit young for dates and romance and not thinking the opposite gender was ick.