
Nobody else is disturbed by the fact that Seth Rogen at age 30 is apparently "middle aged?"

Nobody else is disturbed by the fact that Seth Rogen at age 30 is apparently "middle aged?"

In the porch test episode, she failed. Lily kept imagining future Ted and Future Robin fighting. I'd assume that her desire to thwart Ted's romantic desires were as much about saving him the time he was about to waste on Robin, who clearly was not right from him, as they were about beating Marshall.

I sort of thought of it more as the writers giving themselves a clear way to signify how permanent the mother is. Like if when Ted finally meets the mother, that's when Marshall will finally be able to say "yes, it's over," rather than them actually keeping the door open for more Ted and Robin.

I happened to watch this episode with someone who had never watched the show before. She hated it. I think it is one of those episodes that requires a large amount of prior knowledge of the characters and investment in their normal roles to work. For example, all the Max jokes fell completely flat for her because she

I love how every time I think this show is starting to suck, it completely flips the switch on me. In that scene where Elena and Stefan are talking, and Stefan's faking soul-full, I found myself groaning and begging the show not to turn back the legitimacy of Klaus's compulsion. Then, they undercut it with Stefan's

is a practically unique television creation, and the number one reason, in my opinion, to recommend Greek to everyone and anyone. Plus the (yes, I know, it's an odious term) bromance with Dale is oddcouple perfection.