
Don certainly grew on me this season.  Season one Don was an asshole of the highest order, and I never wanted to see him on screen again.  The fact that they were able to grow him into a character I actually rooted for this season is a testament to the writing.

I haven't started watching Breaking Bad yet (I figured last year that since I'd already missed so much I'd just wait till it was done and I could pick up the whole thing on blu-ray) but from my understanding it's a story about a man's fall into depravity.  I'm sure there are some feel-good moments mixed in, but it

I agree, and I hope it is able to blend the bombastic positive tone of the first season with an overarching theme like the second.  If it can, it'll be special.

Wow, I have a weird mix of thoughts on this one.

Eh, I get the impression that you're trying to read things into it that aren't there.

True, she's been behind it a couple times, but most of her TV time isn't in the 'anchor panel make some pleasant banter' type of situation like tonight's episode was.

I disagree.  She wasn't portrayed as dumb, she came off as stressed and trying to hold it together.  She's been characterized as a bit insecure throughout the series, and she usually isn't behind the big desk, so out of her element and with a lot on her mind she tried a couple adlibs that went south.

She asked him to.  That's my main problem from this episode, they're all so fracking eager to fall on their swords, begging to be allowed to resign.  It seems out of character for the crew, because before Genoa they were dead set on doing the news the right way, come what may, hell or high water, etc, and now after

I agree.  The cast has developed a nice chemistry, and I love the sense of humor in the writing.  It's often delivered so quickly or in such a deadpan manner that I rewind to watch it again just to make sure I caught everything in dialogue heavy scenes.

I liked Charlie's pep talk about how American elections are inspiring in other cultures.  We tend to get so bogged down in how certain countries hate us, or our own internal dysfunction, that we sometimes forget that we're still looked  upon as a good example and a beacon of light by many parts of the world.  The show

She wasn't bumbling, sure, she was drunk or high (was it Charlie that asked if she was stoned?  I don't think she outright admitted it) but she was full of righteous fury and completely commanded the room.

I don't think he hates Obama, as much as he has issues with the way the administration has handled certain things.  I think more of his motivation comes from being viewed as an outsider though.  He made multiple comments throughout the season about how the staff at the DC Bureau were considered second class citizens

Was there anything remotely anti-woman in this episode?  I didn't notice anything, other than perhaps Mac's lack of sports knowledge, but that could be true of men or women.

damnit, touche on my own typo

The errors of the rest of the staff were minor compared to Dantana's, and his edited video overruled their individual doubts.  It makes complete sense that the rest of the team shouldn't be punished for a rogue reporter.

Todd -

Wow, Fonda's scene was so epic I forgot about how well Sadoski did tonight.  Hell, even Neil came up with a few nice quips.

Holy shite.  We knew it was coming, and a lot of this episode was needed to just wrap up the Genoa story.  It wasn't the strongest episode of the season, since there wasn't much new material, but again, Holy Shite did Jane Fonda ever turn that around in epic fashion.

I don't really care how she's brought in, I think she would be a fun addition to the regular cast.  She could be The Newsroom's Ainsley Hayes.

Most Ron Paul supporters around that age seem to focus on one issue - legalizing pot.  I like that Sorkin made her a full-on Ayn Rand level nutcase, at least it was less stereotypical than having her cover the Paul campaign and not know anything other than his position on marijuana.