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    Futuresushi is obviously not familiar with the Canadian justice system. all crime is handled on a national level in Canada. if its illegal in "most provinces" its illegal in all of them. (I have no idea if this is true or not. but I'm really interested in starting a Canadian justice system flame war.)

    Well, this
    the second Beethoven symphony to be ruined for me. The other one was the 7th, which in my head is now the "Zardoz Turning into a Skeleton Symphony."

    Mitt Romney… who has a shot at being the FIRST Mormon president? Nice try.

    I believe the music over the credits was "The Theme From Zardoz" and anybody that says its Beethoven is lying to you.


    The real question
    Charles Bronson, or Jason Statham.

    The Trailers lead me to believe that this one
    less morally ambiguous than the Bronson film. In the remake it seems like they actually have reasons for killing their targets instead of the assassinations just being a job.

    worse than the time they killed off the Thing.