make-post project

There's a… butt? Butts are in this year, right?

Guess it's time for a road trip through exotic rural… New Hampshire? Aw man, I was ready to be sarcastic about the scenery and everything. Stupid picturesque states.

That's how you really know God is dead, amirite?

Yeah, I've had friends recommend it to me based on things I really like and things… not quite as liked. As long as the former is more prominent than the latter, I should be alright. And it seems like a pretty easy read so far.

I had to check out the new Doctor Who, seeing as my hopes for the series are riding on Capaldi. The episode itself was kind of weak (the first third was especially bad), but the man himself is brilliant. Hell, I may actually watch this season.

There's the makings of a really great piece in that part about being mad at specific aspects. I hope he can take the time and care to make sure it comes out right.

Let's just get the full-on "La Bohème but in high school" movie out of the way so we can end this.

eBooks are literally why I've been able to start buying books again. All that paper takes up space real quick.

I've heard "nonpology" a couple times.

So does this mean that if we dig around, we're going to find the "New Girl fake cops!AU" fanfic this was based on?