What is this shit? Are you really unable this outside of "he's a misogynist"?
What is this shit? Are you really unable this outside of "he's a misogynist"?
I mean, you're right, but I don't think you're giving him enough credit for the fact that there is very little he can do with a Congress that has undermined him on every level possible.
Hot take.
Yeah, as a stupid one or possible two off joke. I think that's about the end of it.
Well I guess she didn't have time to consider that once shit starting going down at Jurassic World.
I think that, instead of some idiotic point about gender that people who bitch about this kind of thing constantly(suprise!), seem to think it is.
Sometimes a movie is just a movie.
Yeah because popularity definitely equals quality right?
The only people I know who don't like this show are idiots who think it's "weird" because they lack the intellect to contextualize it any other way.
This episode was the best thing i've seen in the last year or so. Absolute genius.
Actually it was extremely funny so you have no idea what you're talking about.
Nah I think this conversation is over.
I was being sarcastic idiot. The idea being that anyone not focusing exclusively on gender related issues while viewing this film would never leave with that impression.
Oh and further: The kind of person who gets worked up about this type of thing (you) is almost universally a douche. Yeah we get it. You're so much more progressive than the rest of us because of the insidious forces you see in media.
I hear next month there is a movie coming out where a woman wears a dress. I bet if…
And your thought seems to be that if someone on tumblr said it it must be true.
After all, if one person finds fault with something then it is undeniably sexist. Discriminatory and prejudicial against women is definitely what describes the fact that the main character wears high heels in this film.
Oh by the way your…
Read the actual depositions in the case. They went to his room to fuck. Kobe wanted to do something that went a little too far (most people assume piss play) and the girl decided that she was going to try to make some money off of this.
Just because it's possible to interpret something a certain way does not mean that that interpretation is valid or correct.
It was a stupid B movie about dinosaurs written for american audiences who are idiots.
And clearly it is so hard to see as you have an entire thread of people mocking this idea. Generally people…
No he doesn't. But I guess if a blind item on gawker is enough to convince you that someone is guilty or sexual assault…
that seems like a healthy reaction
It absolutely is. Most movies are terrible because most people are terrible and stupid.
Well I was yelled at by a female acquaintance when I declined to describe the movie as "sexist" as a result of that soooo….
Oh look more dumb shit to fill the void of nothingness that is modern day discourse.
Actually yes that was specifically the one I was thinking of.