
You're the only one bizarrely focusing on "fault" here. It doesn't matter who is to blame for shit. It matters that it happens. End of story.
If you can present to me a realistic plan to end bullying around the world i'd love to hear it. The rest of us understand that not everything has to be judged against some

No…it is the concept that social media is generally not a good or constructive place for a child to be.
You're literally arguing for usage of social media by children as some kind of inherent right. It is not.

He's not implying that at all. And there is a pretty big difference between say…restricting social media access for children, and talking about fucking rape. What the hell is wrong with you?

So children have an inalienable right to use social media and never have to deal with their feelings getting hurt? The attitude of "don't alter your behavior ever even if it could possibly result in something bad happening because IT ISN'T YOUR FAULT, seems pretty reductive and beside the point.

I'm asserting absolutely nothing other than the current state of scientific knowledge regarding this. Everything else is you filling in the blanks you want so that you can lecture someone about how if you really feeeeel something then automatically it becomes true and everyone has to recognize it.

Please tell me more about your feelings and how important they are.

So you're answering a question that was never posed and attacking me for not giving you the answer you want, to a completely different question. Super.

You need to go back and see what I actually said. Someone said that there is emperical proof of this existing and that all the questions had been answered. I said that that wasn't the as science hasn't found empirical proof.
You then somehow found a way to extrapolate that statement into me denying that trans people

That is not at all what i'm saying. But please read into more subtext that isn't there.

I'm pretty sure red herring isn't s scientific term. You totally misunderstand what I'm saying. Im not talking about the fact that trans people exist, I'm talking about the reason they feel the way they do. I'm done having this insanely unproductive discussion though.

see the bb

figure out what the phrase conclusive empirical proof means and then come back to this. I didn't say there is no research hinting at anything. I said there was no "empirical…proof". And as you're not a scientist or really much of anything as far as I can tell, that means nothing to you. But then again maybe you

Honestly this has been great. I'm headed out of the office for vacation though. Enjoy the personal hell that is (I assume) being you. I bet you have a lot of big plans this weekend with…friends? I guess…
I think we all know where i'm going with that.
see the bb lol

see the bb lol


Yeah boy that sounds real specific and empirically proven huh? Do you even know what empirical proof means? Wait hold on, of course you don't. Because if you did you wouldn't be saying things that are so clearly fucking stupid right now.
And again, no one gives two shits what you think about anything. So keep lying

Anymore shit that you are clearly incapable of understanding you want to hash out?

Once again, and pretty much as always, you're wrong. The specific, scientific reason that people are transgender hasn't been empirically proven yet. Pretty big difference there.

Nah it's cool since I didn't say anything even close to that. Like…not even in that realm. I swear to god you are like some kind of performance art piece or something.