Otto el Piloto

Wasn't Orson Welles "radio's Orson Welles"?

Hey Mike D'Angelo: that's cool that you were a fan of The Loneliest Planet. Remember when you threatened physical violence against the director after you saw her first movie? http://www.panix.com/~dange…

Can they also remove the ones on the MetroNorth trains? I don't normally mind gross stuff, but having to look at that fucking eye-worm for the entirety of my 45-minute commute is a bit much.

"Proletariat" is a noun, so "proletariat classics" makes no sense.  The adjective that you're looking for is "proletarian" - "pertaining or belonging to the proletariat."

"Proletariat" is a noun, so "proletariat classics" makes no sense.  The adjective that you're looking for is "proletarian" - "pertaining or belonging to the proletariat."

Martin Crosse?  Director of "Axi Drever" and "Reging Boll"?

Martin Crosse?  Director of "Axi Drever" and "Reging Boll"?

"…what passed for the American independent film movement in the 1950s and '60s"

Joe Sacco's work isn't really autobiography.  He is present as a character in most of his works, but his books aren't about himself or his life.  I think most people would classify them as long-form journalism, similar to the work of, say, Philip Gourevitch or Ryszard Kapuscinski.  These, and other, journalistic

My favorite part of that movie was all the stuff about Mel Gibson's wife's dying message, which was supposed to be really important.  And then it turned out to mean "Tell Joaquin Phoenix to hit that alien with a baseball bat."  "Thanks!  We couldn't have figured that out ourselves!"

2.35 isn't really the classic (as in classic Hollywood) theatrical aspect ratio - it's the aspect ratio for Cinemascope, the anamorphic widescreen format developed in the 1950s.