Geoffrey Lloyd Arnold

I understand the criticism of not having the Prison attack to end the last season. It makes much more sense. The plague story line could have played out at any point in the show's future really. The show does a good job of killing off characters it has no use for, but you can kind of pick those folks out pretty

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that I really liked the season 3 subplot of Chang. You really didn't notice it until it happened, and it gave us one of my favorite episodes, Curriculum Unavailable.

How did I NOT get a Community notification for this?

I completely forgot about his brother, which says what I thought of him I guess. Corddry has been much better on his own, I don't think his style fit the daily show right, but I wouldn't say he wasn't funny.

Too soon

I always thought Stewart was much more civil on his show than he was when he went on other people's shows. He's a much nicer interviewer than interviewee.

For this show every Correspondent who really "makes it" has at least one defining moment on the show. Colbert and Carrell had Even Stevphen, (as well as many others), Helms had his Cooter Festival piece, Corddry took over Colbert's This Week in God and made it his own, while still using Colbert's hilarious beeps and

Greatest extra in the history of extras.

Death by cock torture is the purest death Lord Davos.

She thinks she is Tywin, and she quite simply is not. Now I understand women are treated pretty awful in this series because of the time period it derives it's morality from, and so she gets the short end of the straw being forced to marry Robert and all. But honestly, she convinces Jaime to join the Kingsguard,

I dunno, Little Finger vs Varys is a pretty good way to describe it. Dudes are insane.

Oh no! Who will eat posioned bugs!

Getting into her head when she finally gets POV chapters, it does the opposite what Jamie's did.

Now I just feel bad for you, because you've never seen Space Balls.

Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.

This was a pretty successful one. Just a few thousand deaths.

Rest of the world, welcome to Westeroes. Lannisters always pay their debts, yo.

All the random haggling during that scene is great.