Regis Turd

I don't agree at all.  I don't go to the Losing Losers and Freed Man albums that much but I have made comps of my favorite songs from that era which I still listen to and have held up well.  And their "higher"-lo-fi stuff like III and Bakesale are still in heavy rotation for me.  Plus, I think their live shows are as

Hate to spoil a great thread but Robert Pollard has already used all of these.

I think it was called The Boat that Couldn't Slow Down.

Intermittent Hairdresser and Excitable Misunderstood Genius, you're both winners.  But in another, more accurate way, Excitable Misunderstood Genius is the winner.

World War Z adaptation just looks awful. 

STATE Senator.

I don't understand his Luke Perry story, is he saying he doesn't know whether or not he passed on Beverly Hills 90210?

I can't understand the love for this show.  I love offensive humor and I got a couple of chuckles, but I find 80% of the jokes on The J.O. to be infantile and unfunny.

No Jimmy Savile?

AV Club typo causes reader to click link to find out if Trent Reznor's new band is really called "How to Destory Angels."  Good job, internet!

Sorry, I ain't gonna play Sound City.

Yeah, just listened those lyrics for the first time in a while and eww.  Still, a great song.

The whole The Mollusk album actually fits this description.  It could pass for a nautically themed 70s prog rock album for 3 or 4 songs at a time but then goes off on a ridiculously surreal tangent like Waving My Dick in the Wind.  There is nothing I don't love about The Mollusk.

I came here to make the same point.  I am anything but mollified whenever people make fun of my penis.

Agreed.  Unless you think Sarah Silverman/Tab and South Park/Chipotle were product placements.  I just think they were making fun of a stupid product.  Can't see anyone going out and buying it becasue they saw it on Workaholics.

I didn't think product placement at all.  It seemed more like they were goofing on the product (a la the Tab episode of Sarah Silverman).

@avclub-dc7008f6bd89036db2513d35ef4b537c:disqus I will go watch the sketch but I am curious why you put "his" in brackets below.   Did Chris Parnell snootily reply, "I has reasons"?  "I has my reasons"?  Or did he refer to himself in the third person and say "Chris Parnell has reasons"?  Any of these would fit in well

Would you ask Tom Bombadil that question?

Would you ask Tom Bombadil that question?