Thundercats Are Loose AND Ho

I've never found anyone else who agreed with me about either Wall-E or Up, which I think are both watchable films that I'm entirely indifferent to. People rave about the first few minutes of Up (the old man's backstory in flashbacks), but I don't think I can recall any bit of filmmaking more cloying than it.
I prefer

@Semper: I could look them up, but in fact, it's no great struggle to infer their meaning from the context. As such, it's enough to know it adds nothing to the review that couldn't be stated more simply.

meta-review: Sorry I don't agree putting in too much technical film detail . "Medium shot"? "Master shot"? We all didn't go to film school, and besides, what information does this give me about the movie that couldn't be more clearly and expressively conveyed by saying "staid, unimaginative cinematography."

the comic strip was always very mediocre, and reflect McGruder's weak writing skill. poor pacing, poor action (almost always static), too verbose. too polemic without backing with any particular insight/wit. i remember being so excited to hear about it before it first came out, esp with its anime influence, but

Direct quotes from review:

AV Club

Always liked "Resignation Superman," though the lyrics don't develop much beyond the premise/title (which I like).  Anyway, it's a better fit for this inventory than some of the other songs listed.