Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

Call Me Carlos the Dwarf
3.17 average

You da man!

Is there a Dio9ssolve?

I'm thinking more along the lines of Boyz II Men, End of the Road…

Hahaha, the rant while he's driving in the car that ends with "Man, I gotta get laid"?

True. And Jesse's own insecurities damn near fuck him and Tulip up.

And replace it with "destructive conceptions of"?

Those first three are my brand, haha.

Call Me Carlos the Dwarf (21,886 comments, 69,287 upvotes…y'all's ratios are putting me to shame)

We're about the same age…and this post encapsulates my own feelings about the AVC and the (warm, intimidating, awesome) community here goddamn perfectly.

Thanks, Reed.

If nothing else, I'd suggest that you check out the Avocado for the extension that someone cobbled together that does more to fix Kinja than the garbage people who work for them have managed in the entirety of its existence!

I definitely remember that, haha.

Yay! That's the best outcome to an argument, haha.

I feel like the Cass flashbacks have some non-grotesque sex…but I could be wrong.

Yeah, for me the question really is whether he's saying "I'm such a feminist, sleep with me!" or if he was "just" telling his wife "I'm not sleeping with them, women just want to hang out with me all the time because I'm such a feminist!"

Riley gets an eternal pass from me for punching Parker in the face.

Have a nice day!

Well, this exchange opened with your calling me a racist and my replying that your entire schtick is calling people bigots for disagreeing with you even slightly, without reading or attempting to understand their point…so I feel it should probably end with your claiming I was equating BLM with Breitbart in response to

Or you've thought you've seen me minimized racism and sexism, because you can't be bothered to read comments that you think you might disagree with before insulting the writer.