Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

Fair enough. Want to call it a day?


One you have yet to reply to, or attempt to refute, in any interesting way.

My point is that you lack the empathy and self-awareness to convince anyone else of your opinions, or to develop them into anything more than insults.

Because, let's not confuse things, this entire exchange started with a drive-by insult that failed to offer a single point, one way or another, regarding my comment.

Oh, I've made plenty of points here.

S2 and S5 of Angel are better than Firefly, and can go toe-to-toe with any season of Buffy.

The Shadow Men being white and Angel losing his soul because of an orgasm, for starters.

I still heard the story was Charisma saying "I'll only come back if you don't kill me off," their saying "We want to kill you off, here's how:" and her replying "Ohhh, that's good."

That's fair.

Yup. Wes even explicitly explains that it wasn't the act of having sex that causes it in Angel S5.

Minear and Greenwalt were in charge of S2 and S3, and then Bell took over for S4 and S5.

I'd even say that the soul loss in "Surprise" comes during a moment of post-coital Bliss, rather than mid-orgasm, so the retcon (such as it is), really, really works.

…and who says he did that?

I mean…part of her complaint is that he was engaging in "emotional affairs" with other women, which doesn't really seem indicative of "using them like objects."


Again, this isn't because you "made me think about social issues from a point of view that makes me uncomfortable."

The Jesus scene isn't even from Ennis…who certainly doesn't think everyone's an asshole.

Again, @projections, you rarely, if ever, offer anything worth thinking critically about, because you respond to anyone questioning your poorly-formed arguments by immediately insulting them and mischaracterizing their points, rather than trying to engage in the actual discussion necessary to develop ideas and

Yup. They're really doing their level best to make sure that no one stays.