Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

Oh, don't get me wrong. He's definitely an asshole…but he's also not necessarily wrong about people wanting to fuck him because he's famous/rich/successful/a "torchbearer of feminism."

Oh, I've had plenty of intelligent and insightful conversations about racism or sexism on this site and the TI.

Apparently, they can't do it until Kinja is live on-site.

That's cute, @projections.

I'm sure you're pumped for the switch to Kinja, where people won't be able to call you out for being a Breitbart commenter's caricature of an "SJW," who's too focused on making sure everyone knows how woke they are to either formulate an intelligent argument or make any real difference in the world.

Aw, that's sweet.

What excuse should they have come up with to sideline the heavily pregnant leading actress of an action show, after they had written an action-heavy role for her to fill in the back half of the season?

…he's never said "My feminism means I like women more than men."

To the article's argument that Steve should have gotten less to do, because other movies didn't handle their love interests as well?

The proof is that he wrote a bad first draft of a script?

It's not even "some of the details," haha.

He didn't say I'm "doing it because of feminism."

So, to be clear:

(And there's the fact that Whedon had almost nothing to do with S3 and S4, to the point that the only episode he was involved with in S4 was literally built on the premise of resetting everyone to who they were before S3 and S4)

What does Jeffrey Bell, who planned and wrote season 4 of Angel while Joss was busy with Firefly and S7 of Buffy, have to do with this?

And, of course, there's the fact that the group of men are black.

I mean…vindictive is probably the single most accurate word to describe the sort of piece Kai wrote.

I mean…the fourth season of Angel is literally the single season of Buffy/Angel/Firefly/Dollhouse that he had the last to do with.

Hahaha, seriously.

Sounds like something an asshole would say to cover up his assholery.